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Choose Excellence Not Perfection

Apr 10, 2023

"I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence, I can reach for; perfection is God's business." ~ Michael J. Fox

When we have a thought or idea that we want to do or get across, we have to communicate to other people. Many of us do not get past this stage of wanting to because they decide that they will wait until everything is perfect before they tell anyone or do anything.

We all have heard people say that they'll start when they have more money, time, learn more, practice more, when the kids are older, etc, etc, etc. The challenge with this is there is no perfect time. The best time to get started is now. Yes, you may need to be selective at first with whom you talk to as there are negative people out there who may try to stop you or shut you down. Yet, I have found that most people shut themselves down by their fears and need to have everything just so.

I was talking with this lady who was going on a job interview. She had spoken to her sister about the interview. Her sister replied, "make sure you do the interview perfectly, because in this city people know each other and if you blow it, you can kiss your career goodbye". 

WOW, no pressure there. Going into an interview with that in your mind is a good way to blow it. You will probably be terrified, which can cause the mistakes you are trying to prevent. I'm sure you have heard things like this before but I assure you most interviewers are not expecting perfection they are looking for people who are excellent about sharing why they should be selected for the position. 

Reality is much brighter when you look at the most successful people out there. They repeatedly said that they failed their way to the top, that they learned by their mistakes and went on. There are millionaires that lost everything, brushed themselves off and then created more millions. They talked to people and connected with them. You can't succeed by being a hermit.

We are not born with all knowledge on all things. We are not robots, calculating our every move. We are human beings that learn by what we do. We discover by how we interact. We learn when we communicate our thoughts and ideas. Are there naysayers out there? Yes, run from them. Find the ones who are looking forward to hearing from you and wish to encourage you. You will always learn more and communicate more with positive and encouraging people.

Don't remember where I read this, but it clearly sums up perfection. 


It is in the trying and being that makes us human. It is the journey not the end that tells us who we are and what we are made of. Perfection is not a means, it leaves no room for variation, creativity and understanding of the process. It is through the trial and error that we gain knowledge and wisdom. We remember and learn more through our mistakes than by what we do perfectly. For if everything were perfect, done perfect, there would be no journey, no life, no adventure,...only an end.

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