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Excellence Is Never An Accident

Apr 03, 2023

"Excellence is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities."

The above anonymous quote was displayed prominently in an office, where, oddly enough, it seemed to attract very little attention. In any case, it has made enough of an impression to invite a look at these words of wisdom and see where these words may apply.

When embarking on a road trip, unless a bout of aimless wandering around the country is the intent, it is essential to have a destination in mind and a map. Most people in the world are living someone else’s agenda. Stated differently, most people are on a path of aimless wandering – much like a traveler without specific destination or map. It would be most valuable to look at different areas or aspects of life and ask “what is the intention here?” Consider the areas of family, business, spiritual practice, financial means, retirement, education, self development, health, and social interaction. Most people, by their own admission, are not living fully actualized lives and full potential. One main cause is a lack of clear and focused intention and direction.

As humans we tend to see in purely linear “cause and effect” terms. “When given lemons, make lemonade” is certainly simplistic, but most people who are successful have had to become adept at taking some perceived challenge and using it as an opportunity for benefit, value and profit. This comes from introspection, the counsel of open minded and visionary people (of which there are few).

There are many examples of people who have achieved excellence through deliberate practice and hard work. Consider the great athletes of our time. They didn't become the best by accident; they spent countless hours training, practicing, and pushing themselves to their limits. They developed their skills through repetition, persistence, and a willingness to fail and learn from their mistakes.

The same is true of successful business leaders, artists, musicians, and writers. They all share a common trait - a dedication to excellence. They strive to create something great, something that will stand the test of time. They don't settle for mediocrity, and they refuse to rest on their laurels.

Excellence requires discipline and focus. It's not enough to be talented or to have natural ability. You must be willing to put in the work, to develop your skills, and to continually improve. You must be willing to push through the tough times, to persevere in the face of adversity, and to never give up on your dreams.

In many ways, excellence is a mindset. It's a way of thinking and approaching life. It's about setting high standards for yourself and holding yourself accountable to those standards. It's about being willing to take risks and embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Ultimately, excellence is not an accident. It's a deliberate choice that requires commitment, hard work, and dedication. It's about striving for greatness in everything you do and refusing to settle for anything less. So, if you want to achieve excellence, start by setting high standards for yourself and committing to a path of continuous improvement. With time, effort, and persistence, you too can achieve greatness and create something that will stand the test of time.

Each of these steps, when applied, provides opportunity, challenge, impact and benefit. With these steps in mind, it is a matter of will to trade in mediocrity for excellence!


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