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Know What You Want? 4 Tips To Make It Happen!

May 29, 2023

Have you ever wondered how some people seem to effortlessly make things happen while others remain stuck in the realm of dreams and wishful thinking? The truth is, making things happen requires more than just wishful thoughts; it demands action, intention, and a clear roadmap. In this blog, we will delve into the key principles and strategies that can empower you to unlock the power within and make things happen in your life.

How is your life and/or your business doing? Is it stagnating, boring, going nowhere? Have you become obsessed with meeting those loan repayments or trying to just survive until the next fistful of money comes in? Are you having trouble maintaining your positive expectancy about life and/or business?

The way to live satisfying lives is to simply dream up the things that we want to do and then make them happen. A simple statement but so few of us can put it into practice! You can put it into practice if you take these steps! First, find yourself a quiet, comfortable location where you will be free from disturbances. Ensure that you have paper and pen handy as you will need to write some things down.

1. Brainstorm Ideas

For the next ten to fifteen minutes, write down all the things you'd like to do. A few rules for this exercise are in order- don't evaluate as you write! For example, if you'd like to go overseas on holidays for twelve months - don't stop and think whether you can afford it. Just write it down. Evaluation can occur later. At this stage, write down all the things that you'd like to do assuming there was nothing that you couldn't do.

2. Prioritize Ideas

When you have finished brainstorming, you will have a list of the things you would like to do. Your next step is to review your list and sort it into priority order. Again, do not evaluate any of these items while you are ranking them. Number the items from things you want most to least.

3. Evaluation

Now, look at the top three items on your list and ask yourself the question: "What is stopping me from doing these things? It will help to clarify things if you write down these reasons. For example, if your number one choice is to go overseas for twelve months, your reasons for not being able to do so could be: can't afford it, can't leave my business unattended, or afraid I won't like it when I get there.

4. Create an Action Plan

Your final step in this process is to put your plan into action - and do it now! Don't wait for a more opportune time - the best time is always NOW!

However, don't let your big plans stop you from doing some of your smaller plans now. Pick a couple of activities you can do within the next month that won't cost you money. DO THEM! You will feel like a different person for having done so.


As you make progress and achieve milestones, take the time to celebrate your successes. Acknowledge and appreciate the efforts you've put in and the progress you've made. Celebrating fuels your motivation, boosts confidence, and reinforces the belief that you have the power to make things happen.

"Dreams don't work unless you do." - John C. Maxwell

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